quarta-feira, junho 11, 2008

Do they really need more Gates in Africa?

Dádiva ou investimento?
Até o Gates já se preparara para lucrar com a “next big thing”, o monopólio da produção alimentar.

"Is Bill Gates Trying to Hijack Africa's Food Supply?"
"Bill Gates, Rockefeller e os gigantes dos OGM conhecem algo que não sabemos"
"This is arrogant colonial claptrap. Wonkaland can only be saved if the Wonkas work in Charly's Factory. I would have thought Bill and melinda Gates had learned their lesson after the affair a la Wambugu when they tried to save "starving African Children" by forcing an American GM sorghum on Africa under the guise of it having more Vitamin A than indigenous African sorghum. At the time their were already two indigenous non-GM breeds of sorghum which had a higher Vitamin A content. In any event a single egg will provide more vitamin A and protein than any sorghum. I have yet to see the African rural village which does not have free range chickens. Balanced diet is the answer not GM crops. It just goes to show how ignorant Bill and melinda really are." link
Gates Keepers

Etiquetas: , , , , , ,

All hail Monsanto!

No thanks: An anti-Monsanto crop circle made by
farmers and volunteers in the Philippines.
By Melvyn Calderon/Greenpeace HO/A.P. Images.

"When the benevolent seed giant declares it's going to save the world, why be skeptical?" @ GRIST

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segunda-feira, junho 09, 2008

We Feed the World
Erwin Wagenhofer

A film about food and globalisation, fishermen and farmers, long-distance lorry drivers and high-powered corporate executives, the flow of goods and cash flow–a film about scarcity amid plenty. With its unforgettable images, the film provides insight into the production of our food and answers the question what world hunger has to do with us.

Google Video | WebSite

depois venham-me falar em crise alimentar ...

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sábado, junho 07, 2008

Lisboa na boca do mundo
pelas piores razões

The Campaign Against the EU Constitution

Irish friends vote NO for me
(já que nós não tivemos esse direito)

Etiquetas: , , , , ,

Breaking News! Diebold Accidentally
Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early


sexta-feira, junho 06, 2008

"It was almost impossible to buy GMO-free soya anywhere in the world. There is simply so much GM soy that it becomes contaminated,"
Sam Johnston


segunda-feira, junho 02, 2008

what did god do for you today?

(real scientific proof needed)
The growing Intelligent Design brainwash scam.

BBC Horizon .2006
"A War on Science"

hoje? e só agora me dizes?