segunda-feira, dezembro 20, 2004

"...maybe thats what family really is: a group of people that misses the same imaginary place"
in Garden State


Blogger Chris Baines said...

Well, it's funny you should mention that, because I always quote to people that time when I went to see Javed B. back in my hometown, one day, while he was at work. He said to me, how is Khalid's (someone be both know) family. Knowing Khalid to have come from a dysfunctional background, I replied, "Well, Javed, I wouldn't call them a 'family' so much as a collection of individuals born in a certain, chronological order". He didn't add anything to what I said. I always remember it because the turn of phrase has a certain flow and poignancy to it... anyway... peace.

7:31 da tarde  

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