segunda-feira, agosto 18, 2008


"Vegan choices conserve land, water and energy. In fact, raising animals for food consumes so many resources that making Vegan choices is one of the most powerful things you can do as an individual to help save the planet.

Vegan choices help stop global warming. One of the top contributors to global climate change is… raising animals for food. That’s right, while we’re being encouraged to change our light bulbs (show compact fluorescents) and drive hybrid automobiles (show); the United Nations found that raising animals for human consumption contributes to global warming more than all the planes, cars, trucks on the planet combined. 40% more!

Vegan choices save water. To feed and water farmed animals takes enormous amounts of water. To produce just one pound of meat requires on average 2500 gallons of water; a gallon of cows’ milk ‐ 750 gallons of water. By simply making Vegan choices, you can save over 1.3 million gallons of water every year! That’s so much water that being Vegan you could leave your shower on 24 hours a day 365 days a year and *still* you couldn’t waste as much water as someone consuming an animal‐based diet.

Vegan choices save trees and forests. Many of us recycle paper because we want to save trees. But the number one reason for cutting down trees, including the destruction of the rainforest, is to clear land to grow food for farmed animals. In just one year, a Vegan saves a full acre of trees.

Vegan choices help stop massive amounts of pollution. The billions of animals we raise for food not only use most of our water and eat most of our food… they poop most of it out. In the U.S., farmed animals produce 130 times more excrement than the entire human population ‐ 86,000 pounds per second! Per second! That’s enough to rebuild the Denver sky‐line every 24 hours… out of poop. This concentrated slop pollutes our water, destroys our topsoil, and contaminates our air.

And Vegan choices help save our oceans. We’ve forgotten that the oceans used to teem with life. Whales and dolphins and sea turtles were common and abundant. Schools of fish were so plentiful the waters would tumble and froth with life. But now our oceans are dying… industrial fishing has caused a global decline in fish populations to near extinction in most parts of the ocean. Massive nets, miles long scrape the ocean depths and indiscriminately scoop up and suffocate everyone in their catch – turtles, seals, dolphins, whales and billions of struggling fish. And industrial fish and shrimp farms are creating environmental dead zones – massive amounts of concentrated waste from these factory farms smother the ocean floor and choke the life from it."

Video | Transcript

hoje? e só agora me dizes?