quinta-feira, agosto 06, 2009

(not so) free-market-pharma

R: "A totalitarian system now exists where only scientists that adhere to the prevailing orthodoxy can receive funds to conduct research. Not only will the government not fund studies on alternative hypotheses for AIDS and cancer, but this stricture applies to other areas of inquiry. All research on climate change must conform to the dogma of human-caused global warming, and studies on vaccines dare not criticize their safety or efficacy."
in http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller18.html

C: muito interessante
nada q n soubessemos já infelizmente...
R: depois espreita este link http://www.aras.ab.ca/aidsquotes.htm
C: esse link é precioso, n tinha reparado q a página é gigante
R: exacto :)
C: esta diz exactamente o que eu gostava de ver acontecer:
"It will surely lead to a scientifically healthier society if the burden of proof for HIV as a deadly pathogen is returned to where it belongs — to those who maintain that HIV causes AIDS — and others are allowed to pursue alternative approaches in the battle for eradication of the disease.”
Nature, 20 April 1989
— Dr. Beverly E. Griffin, PhD, Director, Department of Virology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London

porque o q é natural em ciência é a experimentação e a constante correcção dos erros. não o estagnar a pesquisa num ponto da história, numa única teoria, num único critério que neste caso até é multi :) e diferenciado consoante os paises.
R: :)
C: é tão engraçado ler acerca da "censura" editorial no q respeita a trabalhos que vão contra o dogma ... porque em frança não há essa censura!
R: nao?
C: em frança estão publicados dezenas de livros acerca do embuste da sida .. e do perigo das vacinas... outras dezenas ... e das indústrias agrobiotecnológicas outras dezenas ... os franceses não se coibem de editar temas polémicos
R: nao sabia ...
C: e digo-te, os franceses n são nada paranóicos c a sida
C: “I stopped going to AIDS meetings several years ago — I could no longer stand the stress of restraining myself from getting up and shouting, ‘Rubbish!"
R: ahhahaha
C: "Be informed. Withdraw your consent from the most malignant fraud ever perpetrated in the name of medicine. Be aware that the primary truth in the ‘AIDS war’ is that powerful agencies have declared war on YOU and your loved ones, regardless of your HIV status. Be aware that ‘AIDS science’ is 90% mindless repetition and 10% deeply inconsistent findings of no clinical value.”
— Dr. Hiram Caton, PhD, Ethicist, Head of the School of Applied Ethics at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

ahaha um muito fixe!!
C: médico do departamento de Defesa USa, Robert de Prato: "You do not want to give (AZT) to anyone, but especially to a baby, which is basically a mass of replicating DNA...I have an 8-year-old daughter, and I would never give her AZT - I would leave the state or country first.” "I don't recommend people ever getting tested."
“It's terrible to tell a practicing doctor that his therapy is killing his patients...There’s almost no way to engage orthodox physicians in this debate because they go nuts on you.”

muito bom ... honesto
R: :)
C: “I’m totally ashamed of the profession. We have all these potent drugs but we don’t know how to use them. If we were a sane society, we would find out. This is not evidence-based medicine. This is just a disgusting manipulation of people’s fears and desperation, all for the sake of selling drugs. Dr. Joseph Sonnabend, MD, New York Physician, founder of the American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR)"
"No one, I repeat, no one under ANY circumstances should have the HIV test. It is a fraud. A complete and total fraud. And I defy any doctor, any scientist in this audience, to prove me wrong. Cross-reactions with non-HIV antibodies [false positives] have been documented in the presence of flu virus, common cold virus, herpes simplex 2, Hepatitis B, tuberculosis, leprosy, flu and hepatitis vaccines, pregnancy, blood transfusions, blood-clotting factor, [rectally deposited] sperm, [recreational] drug use, auto-immune diseases like lupus, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.”

do one and only gary null ;)
"So if you’re positive in New York City [or Thailand or Africa] just get on a plane and come to Australia. You might no longer be positive.”
“I’d say don’t have a test. Don’t spread HIV testing.”
— Dr. Valendar Turner, MD, Royal Perth Hospital, University of Western Australia

hehehe ... australia rula
R: hehe
C: bem, ainda vou a 1/6 da página!!! é enorme
R: pois ... é para impressionar
C: “In my experience, I have seen that those who do not take any of these AIDS drugs are the ones who remain healthy and survive. I treat the individual symptoms — the whole person, not just the virus. I treat them for whatever they are suffering from, and that’s that. I have not lost a single patient in seven years and I’ve never used cocktail therapy.” Dr. Claus Koehnlein, MD, AIDS and Internal Medicine specialist, Kiel, Germany. Co-author of Virus Mania.
R: e o "So you will not know whether a patient is HIV-positive because he has tuberculosis or he has tuberculosis because he is HIV-positive. Treat tuberculosis and don’t care about HIV. I have done this for many years and nobody died.”
C: yep ... espero bem que alguém processe as empresas farmacêuticas que criaram o AZT
R: acho q ja nao se usa ... hoje em dia
C: "We have many experiments on HIV positive humans under the guise of treatments that solidly prove that antiviral drugs are what are causing patient sickness and deaths. Videx (ddI) and Epivir (3TC) are noted for their ability to produce acute pancreatitis and acute hemorragic pancreatitis has an approximate 50% human fatality rate."
R: repara q agora dizem q morrem menos pessoas devido a melhores drogas ... mas poderia perfeitamente dizer-se q é devido a usarem drogas menos toxicas
C: ah sim sim ... todos todos os inibidores de protease usados nos tratamentos contra a sida causam diabetes ... ora ... os sintomas da diabetes são muito semelhantes àquilo que a medicina convencional lista como sintomas da sida na sua fase mais séria
R: a verdade é q essa pode ser a desculpa que pode limpar toda a merda feita em termos historicos - as drogas tornaram-se cada vez melhores e eventualmente o virus (ou retrovirus ou lá o que é) acabou por desaparecer ... e viva as farmaceuticas salvadoras
C: tru ... mas nós sabemos q o q eles queriam era dinheiro e p isso precisavam de cobaias p testar os produtos e apresentar resultados. n é fantástico q nunca ninguém se tenha curado da sida através dos métodos convencionais?
R: sim, mas a historia (oficial) não somos nós que a escrevemos
C: gostei do médico alemão q trata os sintomas ... por igual, sem sequer dar importância ao termo aids
C: "The causes of AIDS are not viral. I have witnessed the fatal effects that the anti-viral drugs have on the immune system. I treated patients diagnosed with HIV who were very poor. Their inability to afford the drugs precluded me from giving them AZT which is very expensive. As time went by, I began to see that the rich HIV positive patients died, while the poor ones lived and continue to do so.”
— Dr. Juan Jose Flores, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, La Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

tão bonito
morreram os ricos
viva a anarquia!
abaixo a burguesia!
R: hehehe ... pronto, disseste palavras de ordem num IM ... estás marcada pela policia secreta da internet :P
C: hahaha
C: qual polícia? cá em pt n há essa
R: o grande irmão da www
C: eeh


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hoje? e só agora me dizes?