If you believe in intelligent design and you think you know exactly why, then you should read: Detecting Design in Evolution vs. Intelligent Design of The Church of Critical Thinking Forum
"it's called 'religion'. It causes a delusional state in which the sufferer denies observed reality and imagines that all sorts of bizarre fairy tales are true. The sufferer appears normal and lucid when questioned on some subjects, but when other subjects such as God or the Bible are broached, the subject becomes evasive and retreats into a fantasy world riddled with logical inconsistencies. One often observed behaviour in sufferers is that of inserting their fingers in their ears and loudly chanting, La-la-la-la-la." cjb
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
Etiquetas: conspiracy, criacionismo, disinformation, propaganda, pseudo-science, religion
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